Monday, January 24, 2011

FADE 2 BLACK VII ... The JEWEL Edition

 Kappa Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha  Fraternity Inc. presents.....

Fade 2 Black VII .... Jewel Edition

Sheraton Ballroom Birmingham, Al

February 11,  2011

Ugly Babies- It’s deeper than it appears

Ugly Babies
It’s deeper than it appears

Ugly babies, we all know an ugly baby, some of yall was an ugly baby lol. 

Every mama swears they baby is the cutest, I’m sorry all of yall are not that lucky.  It’s nothing personal for the record, just an observation, which I have recently noticed, with this boom in the production of babies. 

How do you know if your baby is ugly???
If someone sees your baby and they immediately go on to mention your baby’s clothes, you have a ugly baby
 -Scenario baby sitting in their car seat and your friend says “aww look at the lil car seat” or “aww look at the lil onsie she got on” or “aww look at her, yes she did” or “aww look at the lil bibb” or “he look just like his daddy (or momma)” or “aww she got a head full of hair”
Your baby is ugly when you picture don’t get no likes on facebook.
You baby is ugly when you grandma never put the picture up on the shelf in her living room.

What to do when your baby is ugly.
Keep the lil nigga fresh, keep her dolled up.  As long as the baby is dressed nice, than it takes away from the lack of looks.  Keep the baby’s hair done/cut.  Make yo baby smart, nothing worst than a dumb ugly baby.

Ugly babies will NOT grow out of it.
Ugly babies may not look as bad as they did before, but in the end they’re still ugly.  Ugly babies = Ugly kids = Ugly adults = more Ugly babies lol
It’s like a never-ending cycle ugly babies make ugly people that make more ugly babies… this is genius lol

Beauty is on skin deep, and in the eye of the beholder.  Ugly is not how you look but what you do. 

Hope you enjoyed

Remember, “Be yourself - everyone else is taken.” At least you wasnt this baby

The Movement: FADE 2 BLACK 7

The Movement: FADE 2 BLACK 7: "FADE 2 BLACK 7"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cheatin: Venus vs Mars

So this blog will be about cheating, which is worst, females cheating or males cheating.  To make this scenario a little simpler, we will eliminate all hoes, male and female, and all freaks, borderline sex attics from the equation. 

So this situation will be based on a couple male and female, with an opportunity to have sexual relations outside of their relationship, with equally attractive counter parts.  Now when reading this keep the situation, and context of the topic in mind.  Of course there are many situations, that make for this topic to go either way and be flawed, but that’s why I incorporated the scenario. 

The question is which one of the two in the relationship is worst if they cheat???

Now I will say my piece about the situation and I will also offer some opinions of others that I talked with on this subject.

This all came about while me and one of my best friends where in the car riding, and we're started talking about cheating.  A couple days later while sitting at his house with his wife, the same conversation came up, this time with his wife’s opinion.  So from that this is what I got.

The statement was made that Men cheat with their dicks and Women cheat with their mind, heart, & soul.  Basically for a man, cheating is really all about the nut; about the sexual act.  Men can cheat and it be nothing but sex.  “All men want to do is Eat Sleep & Fuck in not particular order" -Katt Williams lol so when we step out we are literally fucking for the hell of it... Like jacking off lol....

Basically I feel like women have the ultimate power which is in the pussy, or shall I say the possession of the pussy.  Everything about this world revolves around it.  When a woman cheats I think it is more than just the physical act.   Women being the emotional creatures that they are I find it hard to believe that in most cases a woman just cheated for the sex.

When comparing the two, on a one night stand basis, while in a relationship, I don’t feel that most females are willing to let someone in that close (inside) that she really don’t know, that quick.  For a male, most, damn near all will be dick’n her down that night.  Now of course there are those couples and those men and women, that will just not cheat, they are out there lol.  Where??? I don’t know lol.

Ultimately I feel that its worst for a female to cheat on her significant other, than the male.  I think this because majority of women, don’t want the title of hoe, most women respect themselves too much to go that route, and most must have some emotional attachment for them to give in to the temptation.  I really don’t see many females being willing to give up the good just for the nut.  .  I think for a female to let someone inside of her physically it takes more mental than for a male to make the decision to go inside.  Men in the other hand, are down for the cause.  I think our biggest down fall is that we don’t always think with our head on our shoulders but the head in our pants.  When the blood leaves the brain, there’s not much we can do lol.  Females generally have sex based off of emotion.  Males have sex based off of the act, a man can have sex and never think nothing else about it, because it was only a nut.  A woman can do this too, but in most cases its not like that.

Now I don’t condone cheating in any manner, I say just be single and you don’t have that issue

I asked a couple of people and these are the responses I got:

Laci’s opinion: “They are equally bad, but I guess a female would be worst”

My sisters opinion:  “Its worst for women because, of emotion, but most time females do it just to get back.” 

Cara’s opinion:  “Emotional cheating is worst than physical cheating”  (women cheating is worst) lol

Jakolbie’s opinion: “women because they have to physically receive someone”

Kuma’s opinion:  “I think a female, because … I don’t know… I just think a female, a nigga will hit anything but a female won’t”

Sophia’s opinion:  “And both are bad neither is worst their both equally wrong to me!”

I hope you enjoyed the read… please leave your comments… let me know how you feel….

Remember “Be yourself - everyone else is taken.” At least you don't look like this...


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chris Brown’d

So this nigga C Beezy as yall like to call him posted a pic of his diploma of completing a 52 week Domestic Violence course.  Really??? Really [Antione Dodson voice]

I don’t like Chris Brown for shit… I don’t believe in hitting a female in a serious manner in anyway.  I think that he is a sorry excuse for a man.  My biggest issue is that because of is celebrity, he only got a couple hours of community service and to take a domestic violence class…WTF… Let me put my hands on a female and the police get involved im going to jail… I don’t respect any men that put there hands on a female.  So if you are a women beater and you reading this I don’t respect you…
Any who Chris Brown has made an ass of himself by posting the diploma on the internet, you would have thought he got a Bachelors degree or something. 

Now I know that he is only human and we all make mistakes, and he did the right thing by taking the course.  But I’m sorry I can’t give him a pass.  Its like he did it so people will be like awww he not that bad of a person after all…. Even though he beat the hell outta that girl.

I don’t like Chris Brown but by all means yall love him all yall want… I just cant get wit it

Remember “Be yourself - everyone else is taken.” At least you don't look like this...

Antoine Dodson

First of all check his latest video from the George Lopez show.,,20452588,00.html

Now how should we as black people really feel about this video and similar videos of this nature. Is it a pure mockery of the black population or comedy?

Mockery - I feel like some of the things that he say in the video, are just misrepresentations of most black people life styles and view points. The Koolaid comment is just a mockery of the fact that most niggas love “RED Koolaid” granted most of us do, is not the point. I wonder who wrote the script for this video. Is it acceptable for us black folk to take scripts and videos like this and willingly accept the fact that it will make a mockery of our population? Should we as black people participate in entertainment of this nature? I think not, I think that because we participate in the mockery it makes for it to be an easier or more acceptable topic to discuss among other race. Now I do find the video to be slightly comical, I also find it to have some malice undertone. But I watched it, I laughed so do I have room to talk against entertainment of this nature and the constitutional right of freedom of speech? I think not, if Antoine Dodson is cool with making a fool of himself than I am too

Comedy – This will be short, I think its funny I laughed and I also laughed at his previous videos. So I do think its comedy, cant say that I would participate in the mockery but I cant knock his hustle, so it is what it is.

Remember “Be yourself - everyone else is taken.” At least you don't look like this...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No hands

This is hilarious.... good music take a listen...

BUT!!!!!!!!!!! but at 1:56 he drops the N bomb ... is cool or is it not... now i dont condone the use of the word nigga by the other race. to be offend or not to be offended... is the question...

im not offended because he was only mocking the song but do other race feel that they have the right to use word because we do?

i would hope not, i use it regularly in my regular conversation... but i use it in a sense of embrace... not oppression like other race have used it be for ....

Remember “Be yourself - everyone else is taken.” At least you don't look like this...